Wisam Shamroukh

Wisam Shamroukh

Education Entrepreneur


AI Basics for Schools, European Schoolnet Academ

EntreComp Certified Trainer, Bantani EntreCompEdu, EU

Certified Project Based Trainer, EU School Education Gateway, EU

MSM Certified Technology TransferMastricht School of management, The Netherlands

MSM Certified Enterprising/Entrepreneurship Education Trainer, Mastricht School of management, The Netherlands

SwithMED Certified Green Entrepreneurship Trainer, EU SwitchMED, Ramallah, Palestine

Master Enterprising Teaching Trainer, AMIDEAST Center of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Hebron Palestine

Intel Certified Entrepreneurship and Innovation Instructor, USAID COMPETE Project on Intel Standards, Ramallah, Palestine

Excellence  in Higher Education Teaching, Center of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, PPU

Certified TOT for Business Incubators

Designing and Delivering for Start-ups, SPARK and Triodos Facet, Hebron, Palestine

Certified Training on Management and Administration of Business Incubators and Accelerators, SPARK and PICTI, Ramallah, Palestine

Google Adwords, Mercy Corps, Hebron Palestine

Certified Training on Mind Mapping and Critical Thinking,  Jamie Nast and Forward Training, Amman-Jordan

MiniMBA ToT Program, Palestinian Education for Employment Foundation, Ramallah, Palestine

 WorkPlace Success ToT Program, Palestinian Education for Employment Foundation, Ramallah, Palestine

Business Development and Planning Techniques, TEAMSTART Program implemented by PICTI, British Consulate, & MercyCorps 

Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Programming, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dahran, Saudia Arabia

Human Resources Management-Smart Management in Human Resources, Joint Efforts Group, Amman, Jordan

Strategic Planning in NGO and Palestinian Universities , Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine

Certified Technical Trainer CTT+, Advanced Teknology, Tampa-Florida, USA

ASP.NET Programming, New Horizon, Troy-MI, USA