nour Iamar

nour Iamar

Lab supervisor- department of medical professions


● OPT: Assessment and Program Plan Development (Level 1) (18,19,20 Jan/ 2024) 12 hours
● Autonomy and Autism in therapy and education (23rd oct/ 2023) 3 hours

● 3-part treatment Plan for OPT (Oral Placement Therapy)
(20,21,22 July/2023) 12 hours
●  Praxis and executive functioning: connecting motor and cognition with Dr. Teresa benson         (Jane 5,12,19/2023) 6 hours
● PECS level 1 (28,29 April &5,6 May/2023)13 hours
● DIR201: DIRFloortime basic certificate (6 Jan-14 April/2023) 30 hours
● Advanced intervention for ideational praxis- affordances to executive functions with Dr.Teresa Benson (7,14 march/2023)- 6 hours
● DIR 101: An introduction to DIR and DIRFloorime (4,5,6 January/2023)- 12 hours
● Introduction to ideational praxis and the test of ideational praxis with Dr.Teresa Benson (3December,27 January/2023)- 6 hours
 ● Introduction to emotional development and self-regulation with Mustafa Alqaisi (November22/2022)
● NeuroNet Prek training (21oct-11nov 2022) -10 hours
● Introduction to handwriting without tears (September 2-3/2022)- 12 hours
● Has Attended the Fourth Annual Conference on Clinical Audit and Research on 2th, August 2022 Hosted by International Medical Education Trust 2000-Palestine at Ramallah
● Sensory Based Assessment (August 11-13 /2022) -21 hours
● Introduction to Seating and Mobility (July 15-16 /2022) - 12 hours
● HAND INJURY WORKSHOP (February 13/2021)- 10 hours
● Clinical training in injection ,cannula , blood pressure and blood glucose measurements (January 30-2021) 10 hours