Mohammad Khalil Imhemmed (Manasrah)

Mohammad Khalil Imhemmed (Manasrah)

Mohammad Manasrah is a dedicated educator and teacher with a passion for enhancing L2 education in Palestine. After completing his BA in English language and literature at Hebron University, Mohammad was awarded a scholarship to pursue an MA in English language learning and teaching education at the University of Exeter in the UK. Following his successful attainment of the HESPAL scholarship, Mohammad is currently pursuing a PhD in applied linguistics at York St. University in the UK. Since returning to Palestine, he has held teaching positions at Bethlehem University and Hebron University before assuming the role of a full-time lecturer and Head of the Linguistics and Translation Department at Palestine Polytechnic University. Mohammad's multidisciplinary approach to education draws on up-to-date research to create innovative teaching practices that elevate the quality of L2 education in Palestine.
