Maher Al-Maghalseh
I’m an assistant professor in the field of renewable energy engineering with over 14 years of research and teaching experience. Recently, I applied for the promotion of Associate Professor. I received my PhD degree from Northumbria University at Newcastle upon tyne at United Kingdom (UK), 2014. I obtained my master degree in the field of renewable energy from Durham University at UK, 2011. I got my Bachelor degree (B.Eng) in Electrical Engineering from Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU), 2006.
As a researcher, I’m currently an assistant professor at the college of engineering and technology at PPU. I work closely with two research groups and unites. I’m an active researcher at the Renewable Energy and Environment Research Unit (REERU). At REERU, we are developing and promoting research capabilities and capacities in issues related to energy (including renewable and alternative resources, energy policies and strategies, energy efficiencies and energy auditing) and environment protection (including environmental technology, environmental awareness, and climate change impact). Furthermore, I’m an active researcher at Power Electronic and Signal Processing research Unit (PESPRU) at PPU. Through my work at PESPRU, we develop many scientific kinds of research in the field of power electronics and signal processing as well as renewable energy technology. Moreover, we have joint several projects with the local industry providing full technical and research support for solving industrial problems and cooperate for those problem solutions. Furthermore, I organized and participated in many conferences, seminars and workshops in the field of renewable energy. I published many scientific journal and conference papers and participated in reviewing scientific papers for high-rank journals and conferences. More details about my publications and research activities can be found the following Google Scholar link:
As a technical consultant, I worked in several local projects at Palestine in the field of renewable energy providing full technical support and feasibility analysis on their projects from inception to completion. The main objective of my work is to support the client in designing, identifying, assessing and managing the project as well as providing full technical and economic feasibility study. An example of that, work on designing and implementing a bio-gas project from the cow manure to generate electrical and thermal energy. The project was implemented for Al Jebrini Dairy & Foods Industries Company at Hebron –West bank-Palestine. The project is constructed in the vicinity of Dahrya city south Hebron at West bank, on an area of land of 40,000 m2, 5000 m2 is used for the project and the rest for Cow farm. The project size is up to 1 MWh and the first stage was finished with the capacity of 380 kWh. The annual specific power production for the first stage is around 6,509,450 KWh/year. This project was awarded for The Emirate Energy Award in October 2017.
My teaching responsibilities include taught modules for both bachelor and master degree students on Power system Analysis 1and 2, Electrical distribution systems, renewable energy resources, renewable energy systems, energy conversion systems, renewable energy and integration to the grid, solar energy and PV, solar thermal energy. Also, I’m a supervisor for several graduated projects to bachelor and master engineering programmes. I am also the Programme Leader for the power energy technology MSc Professional Engineering programme and Module Leader for three modules on this programme. Further, I’m the program leader for renewable energy engineering BSc program at PPU.
Furthermore, I’m the leader of the steering committee for the Erasmus + project on Improving Governance Practices at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions – UniGov project. Also, an active member in the steering committee for Erasmus + two projects on establishment of two master programs in renewable energy engineering and power energy technology. Moreover, I worked as a consultant and advisor with several NGOs and governmental institutions in Palestine. Such as the Palestinian Energy Authority, the word bank and GIZ.
My goal in joining the PYA is networking, exchanging, and discussing with colleagues from national and international institutions in the science and humanities fields to generate new ideas and new paths to close the gaps between scientific communities from different geographical areas. Furthermore, I would like to use PYA membership to increase the exchange between scholars and students from both international and national institutions and continue to establish new multidisciplinary research collaborations and international scientific networks which will help me and my students for proceeding in our professional careers in the field.