Ismail Romi

Ismail Romi

Associate Professor, College of Administrative Sciences and Information Systems, Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine


Journal Articles:

  1. Ismail M. Romi, (2015). Mapping E-banking Models to New Technologies. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 20: 112. doi:10.4172/2165-7866.1000112.
  2. Ismail M. Romi, (2014), “Information Systems Specialists’ Sub-Culture: An Empirical Investigation”, International Arab Journal of e-Technology, 3(4): pp. 220 – 227.
  3. Ismail M. Romi, (2014), “Information Reach and Range Impact on Interorganizational Systems Platforms”,Intelligent Information Management, 6(1): pp. 1-7, DOI: 10.4236/iim.2014.61001.
  4. Omar Y. Alshamesti, Ismail M. Romi, (2013), “Optimal Clustering Algorithms for Data Minig”, International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Commerce (IJEEB), 5(2): pp. 22-27, DOI: 10.5815/ijeeb.201302.04.
  5. Romi, I.M., (2013), “Testing Delone and Mclean’s Model in Financial Institutions”. American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ). 5(3): pp. 121-129.
  6. Romi, I.M., (2012), "Interface Design Factors Impact on Core Affect", Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS), 3(2): pp. 373-382.
  7. Romi, I.M., Salah, A. M., (2012), "Information Systems Success from Decision Makers Point of View", Journal of Al-Duds Open University, 27(2): pp. 133-158.
  8. رومي، اسماعيل موسى، "نحو نظرية موحدة لفعالية نظم المعلومات"، (2014)، مجلة عجمان للدراسات والبحوث، 13(1): ص. 95-110.

“Towards A Unified Theory for Information Systems Success”, (2014), Ajman Journal of Studies and Research, 13(1): pp. 95-110


Conference Papers:

  1. Romi, I.M., (2013), “Determinants of Interorganizational Systems Platforms: Information Reach and Range”, International Conference on Information & Intelligent Sysyems-ICIIS’2013), IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Tunisia.
  2. Romi, I.M., (2013), “Testing Delone and Mclean’s Model in Financial Institutions”, 5th AASRC International conference on Information Systems and Technology Management for Innovation and Regional Development”- ISTMID2013, Amman, Jordan.
  3. Romi, I.M., (2012), "Mobile Commerce Success Factors for the Various Business Models", Proceedings of 2ndComputer Science On-line Conference in 2012 (CSCO2012), Open Publish Proceedings series, pp. 156-167, Czech Republic
  4. Romi, I.M., (2011), "Organizational Culture Impact on Information Systems Success", Computer Science On-line Conference in 2011 (CSCO2011), Open Publish, Czech Republic
  5. Romi, I.M, Awad, I., Elkordy, M. (2008), "A Model of Organizational Politics Impact on Information Systems Success", International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering, (CISSE 08), Bridgeport University, USA.
  6. غربي، صباح. رومي، إسماعيل. زقاي، دياب. (2016)، "نموذج مقترح لحوكمة الشركات باستخدام نظم المعلومات"، المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الأول في الاتجاهات الحديثة في الأعمال، ISSN: 2414-7761.  جامعة عمان العربية – عمان، الاردن.


  1. Haitham ALmuhtaseb, Ra’fatShamesty, Sa’ed Daraweesh, Ismail M. Romi, “Electronic GYM (E-GYM)”,3rd Student Innovation Conference, Palestine Polytechnic University, 2014.
  2. Reem Abu Rayyan, Maram Ziyadeh, Ismail M. Romi, “Student Relationship Management in Higher Education-SRM”, 3rd Student Innovation Conference, Palestine Polytechnic University, 2014.
  3. Areen Anati, Tahreer Zedat,Ismail M. Romi, Research Network (E-Portal), Palestine Polytechnic Days, 2014
  4. Omar Y. Alshamesti, Ismail M. Romi, “Optimal Clustering Algorithms for Data Minig”, Innovation Conference, Palestine Polytechnic University, 2013.