Yousef Salah
Yousef Salah
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- Master Degree in Computer Science.
King Abdullah II School for Information Technology, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan (GPA: 3.88).
- Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering - Computer Systems Engineering Branch.
College of Engineering and Technology, Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine (High Distinction, GPA: 90.5) .
- Languages: Arabic and English, excellent abilities in speaking, reading and writing
- Computer Programming: C/C++, Java, VB / VB.NET, C#, Assembly, Python
- Operating Systems: Windows, DOS, UNIX
- Microsoft office: Word, Excel, Access, Visio...
- Database: Oracle8i, MS SQL Server 2000, MS Access
- Web Design: ASP.NET, HTML, XML
- Math Software: MATLAB®
- Electrical software: Circuit Maker, Electronic Workbench
President’s Office Director at Palestine Polytechnic University (2011 - NOW).
Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine (2007 - NOW).
- Lecturer at the College of Information Technology and Computer Engineering.
- Courses: Systems Programming, Interfacing Systems, Database Systems, Advanced Database Systems, Software Engineering, Data Structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Programming, Computers and Programming Principles.
Alquds Open University, Hebron, Palestine (2007-2011).
- Part-time Lecturer.
- Courses: Computer Science, Computer Programming, Managerial Information Systems, Database Systems and Management, Computer Architecture and Assembly Language.
Palestine Polytechnic University, Hebron, Palestine (2004-2005).
- Teaching Assistant at the Computer Center.
- Courses: Oracle Developer, PL/SQL, x86 Assembly Language.
Awards and Scholarships
Achieved the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship to pursue my Master degree in Jordan. (2005-2007)
First Place in the best national business plan competition. The business plan named by “Automation Solutions”, 2011.
- Second Place in the competition held by Arab Innovation Network – First Conference, Paper: “MANAGING A BUILDING’S ELECTRICAL GRID USING A HYBRID OF WIRED AND WIRELESS CONTROLLERS” Arab Emirates, 2012.