..Islam Jamil Abu-Dawod

..Islam Jamil Abu-Dawod

Web Master


Islam was born in Hebron, Palestine, 1984.

She received the high school, scientific stream from Alshareiah School, Palestine, in 2002.

She received the B.Sc. degree in Information Technology from Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine, in 2006.

In 2008, she joined Friends of Fawzi Kawash IT Center of excellence/ Palestine Polytechnic University as a Multimedia Designer.

In 2016, she was assigned to work an administrative assistant in the Business Incubator Unit/ Palestine Polytechnic University in addition to her current work.

In 2018, she was assigned to work marketing, prommotion and Media in the Center of Excellence and Continuing Education in addition to her current work.

In 2020, she was assigned to work Web Master of PPU website in the Computer Center.

In 2022, she was moved to Public Relations and Media Department as Web Master of PPU Website

She participated in many training courses like (Learning Management System (MOODLE 2.7), Web Development (Drupal), SharePoint 2013 Administration & Development, Entrepreneurship & Business Plan Writing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Maya 3D Animation, Innovation Software Engineering Center (ISEC), Web Design, ...).